"We came within 59,000 votes of setting this country on a better track"
WHAT? Bush beat his a$$ by 3.5 MILLION votes, and he killed him in Ohio alone by 120,000. That's more, I believe, than the difference between Gore and Bush in 2000.
That boat he's pictured in is just heading up de Nile, ain't it?
"WHAT? Bush beat his a$$ by 3.5 MILLION votes, and he killed him in Ohio alone by 120,000. That's more, I believe, than the difference between Gore and Bush in 2000. "
Popular vote doesn't count. However, the 120,000 votes is what Kerry is talking about. If he gets 60,001 more votes in Ohio, the he beats Bush because you have to take those votes from Bush.
I wonder how it would have played out if Kerry lost by over 3 million votes but won the electoral college. Would DU and KOS said he stole the election?
I couldn't agree more - I've long been sick and tired of hearing this spouted out as if it were gospel! Enough already!