To: LegalEagle61
Just look at some of the last few elections and how wrong the polls were! Uhh, the polls weren't 'that' wrong. The GOP won most of the tossups the past two elections, that's all that happened. With the exception of Zogsauce, most of the polls from races we won were in the margin of error.
And we weren't trailing consistently in virtually any of the races we won except Saxby Chambliss in 2002. And even that had a big Saxby uptick in the last few days.
All I'm saying is be realistic. This isn't going to be a good year for us.
To: zbigreddogz
All I'm saying is be realistic. This isn't going to be a good year for us. JMO, you'll be crying in your Starbuck's on the morning of Novemeber 8th.
13 posted on
10/19/2006 9:40:06 AM PDT by
("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" Ronald Reagan, 1987)
To: zbigreddogz
All I'm saying is be realistic. This isn't going to be a good year for us.
Exactly... but note -- don't be too pessimistic as well. I suspect these talk of a major landslide that will give Congress ( both upper and lower house ) to the Dems are widely over-optimistic.
My personal read is -- GOP still controls both houses, albeit with diminished majorities.
This will be good for 2008. It'll teach the GOP that if they campaign as conservatives, they have to put their money where their mouth is and if they campaign on keeping a high ethical standard in office, they darn well better be ethical. I can't tell you how much time we've wasted on issues like Abramoff, Delay and Foley.
Also, I'd really love to see the Uber-Rino Lincoln Chafee go and Joe Lieberman win. That'll show the left how un-attractive their foolish cut-and-run position is with the American people.
To: zbigreddogz
I'm afraid that I have to agree with you. Everyone here seems to be pooh-poohing the polls unless they're in our favor then the poll must be accurate.
16 posted on
10/19/2006 9:46:09 AM PDT by
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