Now this oughta grab everyone's attention: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee down on South Capitol Street-----headed by Cong Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill) to help Democrats get elected-----has in "intern program" and an "intern coordinator." Shades of Bill Clinton. Their very own intern program? Makes you wonder whether unsuspecting donors to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee know what their donations are actually being used for.
It strains credulity to suggest Foley's activities were not known in small-town Washington where every "secret" is public knowledge and discussed 24/7. All the club members know who hangs out in the gay bars and book stores on Dupont Circle...... "Isn't that right, Rahm?"
What did Cong Rahm Emanuel knew about Foley, and when did he know it? As Dem Cong Committee Chair, did Rahm put young pages at risk, by holding back information to score political points? If Dem Cong Committee Chair Rahm Emanuel engaged in a cover-up about Foley for political purposes, he needs to be investigated, pronto.
Rahm's friendly emails to Foley would be v-e-r-y interesting.