To: Yossarian
132 posted on
10/11/2006 12:06:47 PM PDT by
(Driving Liberals nuts since 1975 !)
To: knews_hound
Unlike on 9/11, the weather isn't great, but okay for helicopters to fly (2-3 mile visibility; 1500 foot ceiling) and the building isn't exactly a major target. I doubt this was terror related.
To: knews_hound
It really could be an accident.
I'll wait to rush to judgment until we know some facts.
186 posted on
10/11/2006 12:11:09 PM PDT by
(You can believe what you want, but you can't have your own facts!)
To: knews_hound
This is NO accident. And this is no time for crackpot theories.
To: knews_hound
I knew mund1011's day was due sooner or later..... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson