You're grossly mistaken. Southerners never attacked Northern citizens, the occupants of Ft. Sumter were federal troops who were given time to stand down and leave the premises, which they didn't. Southerners never sought to overthrow the US government - but strived to form their own. It was Lincoln's army that crossed the Potomac to wage an attack on Virginia's citizens that was considered the act of aggression most Southerners associate with the WoNA.
> the occupants of Ft. Sumter were federal troops who were given time to stand down and leave the premises, which they didn't.
Yeah, and the Aztlaners have given you time to leave the US and return to Europe (presumably...). So when they attack you, will it be your fault?
> It was Lincoln's army that crossed the Potomac to wage an attack on Virginia's citizens that was considered the act of aggression most Southerners associate with the WoNA.
Yes, and a very great many Japanese were cheesed off when the Dolittle raid brought to them the war that they started.
The War Of Southern Aggression started when a sovereign nation attacked the United States military on US military property. Remember, the secession was a done deal by that point... South Carolina and other had already split, with no military action by the United States. The CSA committed an act of war upon the US, and the US retaliated.