Sad but true. I heard some female politico from Missouri (a Democrat being funded by Clinton sponsored $$) sit there and say Clinton was such a great President, but she wouldn't trust him around her daughter. Someone who thinks as cynically and illogically as all that needs to not be elected to the position of dog catcher. - The trouble is that there are too many politicians who do not give a flying flip about this country; they are power and money hungry and find it easy to manipulate the minds of voters who are too lazy to do much thinking. Sort of the morally blind leading the lazily blind. - The scary thing to me is that in this election, so much is at stake. This country has already been so weakened by 8 yrs. of the originally 24 yrs. to perpetual (planned but thwarted) Clinton Dynasty that I wonder whether it can survive the resulting liberal Democrat residue of their rancid influence if they do get complete control.
I have elderly in-laws that I love dearly, but they are what they calls democrats with blind-folders on!!
When I met my wonderful wife 24 years ago she had the same ideas. After she was sneak-listening in when I tuned in to Rush Limbaugh, she finally saw the "light" after voting for clinton the first time around. Our question to our friends is:"How can you be a real Christian and be a democrat at the same time? How do you reconcile these two??"
I think, however, this Foley garbage will turn out GOP voters in droves!!!