To: Fresh Wind
HASTERT ... Does not appoint former FBI chief Louis Freeh to investigate the page program -- as widely reported --because of objections from Democrats... Developing...
824 posted on
10/05/2006 12:36:58 PM PDT by
("Let him who wants peace prepare for war."--Vegetius, A.D. Fourth Century)
To: MaestroLC
Paging Ken Starr.... KEN STARR... please pickup the white courtesy phone.........
840 posted on
10/05/2006 12:38:38 PM PDT by
To: MaestroLC
But there will still be an investigation, hopefully?
To: MaestroLC
860 posted on
10/05/2006 12:40:04 PM PDT by
(bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. zap)
To: MaestroLC
They don't need Louis Freeh, Matt Drudge seems to be on top of this.
877 posted on
10/05/2006 12:41:37 PM PDT by
(Seriously, if it REALLY were a religion of PEACE, would they have to label it as such?) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson