I am glad you see it the way I do. I hope they get theirs. I think Foley was Rush's congressman and he just said, imagine how Mark Foley feels right now?
Foley was never caught doing anything but this prank got the best of him. Disgusting little pukes. Hope they are happy and I hope all the people who were out to destroy Foley are really happy now. They got their pound of flesh including the RATS.
I hope Mark Foley gets the help he needs and goes on to be a productive citizen. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Who said that?
ANyone watching Cavuto?? Soros was supposed to be on today!
Foley is not guiltless.
He wasn't forced to have cybersex, just like Bubba wasn't forced to get excited by Monica's thong.
Choices people, we all make our own choices.
I feel sorry for Foley, being exposed like that, his being in the closet and all. I couldn't even imagine the humiliation he suffered.
I'll also bet there are numerous politicians running around like chickens with their heads cut off worrying about their pages.
" ...Foley was Rush's congressman and he just said, imagine how Mark Foley feels right now?
" Foley was never caught doing anything but this prank got the best of him."
As far as we know, Foley's crime was being gay and a Republican.
And talking dirty on line with a man that he knew to be an adult- after a few pops.
Harold Ford Jr called Foley a child molester and said Republicans take money from child molesters.
I hope Foley has a lawyer on retainer that specializes in slander .