I think there is plenty of smoke coming from Washington on both sides of the aisle. I would like 'nobody's senator but yours' from my state to answer a few questions about his prediliction for young men, and I think there are quite a few other congressmen/senators with skeletons in their closet who want to shut this thing down sooner rather than later. The law of unintended consequences could take hold here. When/if Freeh starts to investigate, the net he casts could snare many more fish than Foley.
You may be right, this may be more of an effort to shut down the investigation (Move along, case solved, nothing to see here), before we start having BiPartisan indictments handed down for the crap that goes on in the cloakrooms on both sides of the capitol. I say, ignore this and keep digging, it's going to be like shooting fish in a barrel.