Basically the Dems did this to depress conservative turnout and get everyone off topic of the issues that weren't working for them.
What the dummies obviously did not understand is that while some campaign numbers were climbing, we were still looking at modest losses. But, nope, that wasn't good enough for the dummies. They were promised a takeover of at least one of the houses dammit! ::stomping foot::
So they unleash this circus.
What have they gained? Well they've established the colusion between Dems activists with the DNC and media is still intact. They've dealt ABC a bit of a blow. They still don't have Hastert's head. They don't have any guarentee Foley's replacement will lose. They have an invetsigation into who knew what and when in both parties which is something they should fear. And they upset the fractured, angry, and apathetic conservative base by re-uniting us against Dems and in support of the Reps.
Yeah, dummies, you guys were just brilliant. [s]
Even if the Reps don't follow through and nail them as they should be nailed, it's still a net loss for them as people like myself that were NOT going to vote for some Reps now are.
And as more of their scams come out, this story dies, they've ensured Woodward is old news since they decided to toss him over for Foley, and there beneath the dust is the President still on message about the WOT to fill in the sudden vacuum created by the absence of the Dems planned October Surprise. Checkmate losers.