I'm by no means a lock-step Repub, but its really gratifying to see some talk show hosts, like Jerry Doyle and Mike Savage, who were using this situation to prove their non-partisan bonefides, eat crow on this.
The whole thing stunk from the get-go.
Hugh Hewitt had Tony Perkins on just now and Tony Perkins was an IDIOT!!! What's with these people that JUMP to conclusions with NO FACTS!!!
Hey Tony Perkins...you need to RESIGN NOW!!!
I had to turn both of those idiots off today.
They recently changed the local programming here, took off a local talk show and put on Doyle. I think today was it for me.
Savage I only catch if I'm late.
Probably not again.
This is JUST ONE ACCUSER. Please keep this in mind. It does not sink the story.
Savage is a flappin' magpie..