mild example: child points chicken drumstick at classmate and says bang. The shooter is suspended because of the zero tolerance policy about guns on school property.
Extreme example: Your example. The girls burn to death because of the zero tolerance policy about girls going outside uncovered.
What's scary is we have those zero tolerance mentality people in this country, not islamics, but, you know, us, or someone close to us.
The zero tolerance mentality is part of the human condition, has afflicted all of mankind since the beginning, the spanish inquisition is a fine example. Some in our society are still afflicted with it, but we have been able to free ourselves from it somewhat. The muslims, especially from the East, suffer from it greatly.
If we can figure out how to put some common sense in the zero tolerance types here (maybe beating it into them), maybe it will also work on the islamic zero tolerance types.
One thing is sure, we should not be encouraging any zero tolerance of anything. We should be in all instances guessed it: thought.
Final note: it does us no good to be tolerant of islam when we know it is not tolerant of us. There has to be genuine reciprocity or else muslims can stay in the muslim world.
The problem with islam is that it must be blindly accepted as the word of allah and any thought or examination of it is, accordingly, an insult to allah and the prophet.
That was the very point the Pope was getting at when he suggested that "reason" (critical examination) should be used in all religions. He knew full-well that islam prohibits thinking about itself and that's why it is mired in the deep, dark past.
Christianity and Judaism are dynamic equations which can be as easily applied in Roman Times as in the distance future. Islam is a set of man-made rules which can't be changed and are applicable only in the time of their origination, if even then. Any rational examination would expose islam for what it is.
I believe it is safe to say islam is in a war with reality...ergo, it is insane. Like any drunk or addict in denial, it refuses to reconcile itself to life and truth...hence its obsession with death and deceit.