I agree with you 100% and many others do too, more than some people might think.
When the choices offered to us are "Democrats" and "Democrats lite" it's getting harder and harder to vote. Have you seen calcowgirl's Schwarzenegger threads? It's amazing how some (one in particular) sucks up to Arnold. I'd choke on my own vomit if I tried to vote for him.
Governor Schwarzenegger Terminates Last Piece of Marriage (Homosexual Agenda)
For a status on the signing/vetoes of California legislation sponsored and or supported by the GLBT lobby, see:
We see similar support for David Dreier on California threads... from some of the same.
When something bad happens with a Republican and retorts say, "Well the Democrats do it, too" (e.g. "Look, Gerry Studds wasn't removed from Congress" or "Hey, Barney Frank is still in office.") I think of the phrase: "If you think I'm ugly, you outta see my sister."
The retort doesn't really help the family reputation, eh? All of these miscreants need to be held to a high(er) standard -- no matter what party affiliation or situation. It should start with the GOP.