Can't argue with you on that. Something should be done. I think too many people are making money by not making it legal for sure. I know I would rather be around a person smoking pot then drinking. I myself, do neither though when I was younger I did. What I have seen first hand now with drugs is alarming. I had 2 of my older kids go thru terrible addictions with heroin. Spent over 40 thousand on one of them for rehab. Jail is what finally did the trick. Thankfully both are clean & sober and married . The system is in need of change but I don't know when that will happen. I often wonder why we don't bomb the opium fields during this war. I don't have any answers but in regards to why the police come at night and why the dog was shot I know thats how they do things. I am not pro cop though with dealing with my 2 children I sure learned quite a bit. Some truly care and others just have the attitude the kids are worthless.
You mean like the ones in Afghanistan? It's been long established that segments of our "government" profit from the drug trade, otherwise the borders would be protected and fields would be burning.