Well, even Darwinism predicts that Darwinism is doomed. People who believe in creation are against abortion in far higher numbers than people who believe in evolution. Therefore, creationists' children are not aborted, while Darwinist babies get killed. Even a 1% lower birth rate mathmatically dooms a pool of genes over many generations... Therefore, if Darwinism is true it predicts that it's own adherents will be squeezed out of the gene pool eventually. If Darwinism is not true, it will eventually be proven false, also reducing its adherents. Either way it is doomed insofar as being the majority view.
BTW, did you perchance think of the devastating effect on young people's religious faith that finding out that they have been sold a bunch of *BS* masquerading as science?
Didn't think so.
If "Darwinism" was biologically inherited that might be the case. It is not. It is a scientific field.
Nice try though.
How did you ever acheive such gymnastics of illogical thought? So you are saying that there is a gene responsible for scientific rationality and that it will be selected out by abortion? SO you do believe in evolution. But you clearly have no idea what genetic science means.
Pretty funny ...
So the Pro life crowd is actually helping to preserve Darwinists ... atheists, and liberal Democrats !
Maybe, but that doesn't mean that evos are having all the abortions.
Darwin himself said that if transitionals were not found
his theory would be in question.