Unquestionably the act of a sick individual... but pray, why do I get the impression in stories like this that punishment for abusing a critter is more swift and sure these days than, say, a child?
Rip the head of a fetus in an abortion clinic and you will be lauded by the loony left.
I dunno. If this
Man sentenced to prison for tearing head off kitten
instead read like this
Man sentenced to prison for tearing head off toddler
I would be happy if never made it to prison, because he 'Tripped and fell down the stairs. Onto some bullets'.
"Unquestionably the act of a sick individual... "
I have noticed that alot of 20+ generation have more of a stomach for blood & gore as well as a overall acceptance of violence. My son, who is in his 20's finds it a bit funny that I have never seen any Freddy Kruger type movies, do not see any value or merit to violent video games and cannot stand to even see the Operation Channel on cable. The present culture has deadened many of them. Result....a lot more sick minds.