Nope, not the weather report.:) :) :)
It's a good thing he's coming home soon because I am running out of ideas for care packages. Don't want to send too much "stuff" now because he'll just have to bring it home in a few weeks; I've sent just about every treat I can think of; chocolate is out for the duration 'cuz I don't want him to open up a box of chocolate soup; he's got all the toiletries, etc. he needs.......
Maybe I'll just send him his Halloween package a bit early; because he's coming home right after that; so this would give him time to enjoy his trick or treats (non-chocolate, of course). And maybe a few spooky decorations for the barracks.
Yeah, that's what I'll do.
Thanks! You've been a big help!;^)
Hi MozartLover(((Hugs)))