It figures Mr. Lamont wants more health care paid for by the government. He needs a check-up from the neck-up.
What a guy!
What always amazes me about the so-called health care debate, is if their plans are sustainable they could immediately enact them at their state level and demonstrate to the other 49 states how easy and well it could be done. Conn is not a poor state. They could easily pay for state wide health insurance. One wonders why they don't??
Lamont is a typical trust fund liberal, like Chappaquiddick Kennedy and Hanoi Kerry. The DemoRats who have never worked in private industry, and never had to work, think they know what's best. Invariably, they think more government (socialism) is the solution to every "problem". They don't even acknowledge that their own wealth is the product of successful (capitalist) businesses conducted by someone else: their ancestors (or wife's ex-husband in Kerry's case).