I'm in Los Angeles, and the largest mosque gave aid and comfort to two of the 9-11 hijackers, plus have had Imams deported for their tirades. Recently, the United Americans Committee hung a effigy of Osama in front of the mosque. The mosque sent out 200 demonstrators to accuse the assembled of being racist, rather than heeding the call to join in the denouncement of terror.
"I'm in Los Angeles, and the largest mosque gave aid and comfort to two of the 9-11 hijackers, plus have had Imams deported for their tirades. Recently, the United Americans Committee hung a effigy of Osama in front of the mosque. The mosque sent out 200 demonstrators to accuse the assembled of being racist, rather than heeding the call to join in the denouncement of terror. "
I am possibly alone in this, but I am convinced that the nation of islam is incompatible with democracy. The nation of islam seeks but one law, the law of islam. Which, for me at least, begs the question, why are they here?
My gut feeling, based on their history, is that they are here to seek in roads toward the destruction of our way of life...to cause America to bow to islam.
I surmise that when their numbers are significant, and when the time is right, they will make their move toward that goal...just as they have throughout history in other countries around the globe.
I see no reason, especially at this time, for America to assume itself to be immune from islam's stated goals.