NJ's mandated 5 state plans was the stepping stone for TennCare.
And as all socialists believe, it was a good idea, if only they had done it my way it would have worked.
Luckily a few state Dem Legislators are insurance men, hopefully they kibbash on this and let it die in some blue ribbon panel or something.
NJ KidCare and it's related program for adults is already a sad sack of shit, it regularly stops taking new enrolleees by May 1st because it's full, and lots and lots of illegals and black market operators put their kids in it, so working stiff legal resident New Jerseyans can't get their kids in it.
The insurance industry is one of the biggest employers in New Jersey, we'll see how this works itself out, Newark politicians can't possibly survive this if the i think 1400+ jobs NJ BCBS provides in Newark are downsized.
The county Dem party in several counties have insurance men running them, I doubt they'll go along with this either.