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To: 8mmMauser; floriduh voter; cyn; tutstar; BykrBayb

Petition to Gov. Jeb Bush

Please sign the petition to Gov. Jeb Bush requesting that he appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Judge George Greer's 2004 campaign for judge.

The specific allegations are:

On or about July 2, 2004, a political commercial promoting the reelection of George W. Greer to the office of Sixth Judicial Circuit Court Judge, Group 18, was filmed on government property, a courtroom in the Pinellas County Courthouse. Participating in the political activity on governmental property in uniform, allegedly while on duty, was William Cunningham, a deputy with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Cunningham engaged in the political activity with the full knowledge and consent (and perhaps order) of Sheriff Everett Rice, according to Marianne Pasha, PCSO public information officer, and according to payroll records, was paid with taxpayer funds for doing so. Deputy Cunningham appeared in the political with a government-owned vehicle, a Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department patrol car.

Also appearing in the political ad with their names and positions identified in writing on the screen were James Hellickson, assistant prosecutor in the office of Sixth Circuit state attorney Bernie McCabe and Paula Shea, assistant in the office of Sixth Circuit public defender Bob Dillinger, allegedly unlawfully using the influence of their titles and positions to attempt to influence a judicial election.

Also appearing in the political advertisement, allegedly improperly, were court officers and employees of the Sixth Circuit, names unknown. Elected public officers Everett Rice, Bernie McCabe and Bob

Dillinger in addition to William Cunningham, James Hellickson and Paula Shea in addition to as yet unidentified court employees, knowingly, willfully and intentionally used the influence and power of their offices and positions and in the case of at least William Cunningham, with the use of taxpayer funds, to attempt to influence the outcome of a judicial election, in essence controlling a judgeship and controlling the outcome of the Terri Schindler Schiavo case at a time when Sheriff Rice and Prosecutor McCabe had steadfastly refused to perform the duties of their respective offices to investigate matters of alleged criminal wrongdoing in the Schiavo case.


299 posted on 09/14/2006 1:29:47 PM PDT by amdgmary (
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To: amdgmary

306 posted on 09/14/2006 3:28:57 PM PDT by floriduh voter ( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
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