I am not the one watering down the word, "euthanasia". The ones who are implementing euthanasia are watering it down, using softer terms that sell. But the effect is just the same. In the case of Haleigh, the officials wanted to euthanize her plain and simple. In the case of Andrea Clark in Texas the authorities wanted to euthanize her despite protests to the contrary and they used the softer term, "futile care" as their tool. Rather than interpret the term "futile" as treatment which would not help, they interpreted the life of Andrea as futile. That is how we are seeing them work.
A review of past discussions of Haleigh's dilemma makes clear the DSS intent and attempts to cover up the true nature of their deeds.
There is such a thing as futile care. The state attempted to say that the care of this girl was futile as she was in a vegetative state from which she would never recover. Ends up that she was not, so in this case the care was not futile. You can't conclude from this that such care is never futile. The withdrawal of futile care is not euthanasia.
"Euthanasia" is itself a euphemism coined to sell murder.