Of course. And even the most simplistic among us will reocgnize the difference between a desire for privacy and a sense of shame.
I have sex with my wife. While I don't announce it each morning I am not ashamed of the fact. My children are testimony to the truth of this.
I once had a co-worker who announced his plans to go home for a "nooner" with his wife, since the time when the children were at school was the only time when the two of them felt truly free. He acted like he was getting ready for his marriage. The office took it well, with a modest amount of good-natured ribbing which he enjoyed. While I am more private than he, there was no shame involved because there was nothing to be ashamed of.
I have never heard anyone say they were planning to spend quality time with Rosie Palm and a porn movie. If you are arguing that nobody should feel ashamed of such plans, that is one argument. If you are arguing that the shame should not stop them, I would disagree with you.
A sense of shame is a good thing. Allowing it to dictate our actions is also a good thing.
I have and if you read this thread there have been many people who said that they have have watched porn or enjoy it on occasion. No one is showing any shame, which they shouldn't.
If you're getting that sort of response on one of the most conservative mainstream sites on the net, what do you think you'd get in the general public?