I know it is counter-intuitive, but you have it backwards, in fact: the way to break the lobbyist/incumbent lock on DC power is to remove all donation limits, not to further gut the First Amendment by imposing more. With full disclosure, of course, so the voters can clearly see who bought whom...
Actually, while I am posting, I should complete my thought...
The organizations you support and have allied yourself with have the financial transparency of a block of cement. Not only that, but they are involved in a non-profit shell game that exists to build direct mail lists and solicit donations.
"the way to break the lobbyist/incumbent lock on DC power is to remove all donation limits, not to further gut the First Amendment by imposing more. With full disclosure, of course, so the voters can clearly see who bought whom...
Full disclosure is a joke. So many 501 organizations never file, go out of business, or file after elections that there is virtually no disclosure at all.
I think that full and TIMELY disclosure should be the order of the day with regard to all lobbyists and political organizations. It's only right.
Pot, kettle, black. Lots of people are still waiting for the organizations your tied to to disclose their financials.