To: vikingd00d
collision of two large clusters of galaxies
If the universe is expanding (Big Bang) how could clusters COLLIDE, let alone how could GALAXIES that have been blown apart, collide? Hmmmm...
To: true_blue_texican
If the universe is expanding (Big Bang) how could clusters COLLIDE, let alone how could GALAXIES that have been blown apart, collide? Hmmmm... The expansion of the universe is a large-scale effect; it doesn't affect the local motion of galaxies. Example: Andromeda is 2.2 million LY away from our galaxy, yet the two are moving towards each other.
40 posted on
08/21/2006 7:41:47 PM PDT by
(FReeper #405, entering his ninth year of ignoring nitwits, nutcases, and recycled newbies)
To: true_blue_texican
If the universe is expanding (Big Bang) how could clusters COLLIDE, let alone how could GALAXIES that have been blown apart, collide? One moving faster than another? Two galaxies with an intersecting trajectory?
86 posted on
08/22/2006 10:48:26 AM PDT by
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