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To: FreeAtlanta
Grid lock??? Our president would just sign the huge pork projects hoping to win Democrat friends, his attempted bribes won't work, and the Dims will have us retreat from the world, allow huge Terrorist victories and probably do a worse job with the southern border (if that is possible).

You may have a point. But, I still think it would be better to not have a rubber stamp legislative/executive. If the Dims win EITHER the House or Senate (not both), we may be in better shape fiscally. I really don't hold out any hope for getting the border under control unless/until a really big terror attack happens and it is proven that the parties responsible got into the country from Mexico.

22 posted on 08/21/2006 6:34:07 PM PDT by America_Right (People should not be afraid of their government. The government should be afraid of the people.)
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To: America_Right
You are just dripping with pessimism and somehow I think you enjoy it. This does nothing to remedy the situation.

Bush may not be perfect, but he's a heck of a lot better than either Gore or Kerry.

I'm grateful he's president. He understands the threat of Islamofascism. He's far more likely to protect us than any _____Democrat. You may feel joy at a RAT victory, but I don't.

I don't want ANY Democrat in charge of my security.

If we would have had a RAT president, there would have been no tax cuts and do you want more judges like the dimwit that gave that ruling last week?

I just don't understand how you can be so miserable and without any hope. I think you will also enjoy a terror attack so you can say "I told you so". You sound like Democrats that I believe will actually welcome another terrorist attack just so they can blame Bush.

23 posted on 08/21/2006 7:23:24 PM PDT by Conservativegreatgrandma
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