A federal district judge in Detroit...
Dearbornistan, again.
Is he a muzzie?
Here, this is by one of the best legal minds in the country. He explains it far better then I can.
Judge Not (NSA ruling-Mark Levin opinion)
I hope an emergency appeal has been filed on this. Every minute this ruling stands it puts our lives in danger.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the 6th Circuit already rule on this? I know there are four Federal Circuit Courts that have already affirmed the authority of the President to conduct warrantless searches for the purpose of gathering foreign intelligence. Wasn't the 6th one of these four? I think the other three are the 4th, 9th, and 11th.
If this is the case, then this judge cannot overturn a higher ruling of her own court.
ignore this ruling and ban the ACLU
The president is the commander in chief and is charged with immediate response to immediate needs.
The judge is without understanding and wisdom.
Female Afro Amererican apointee of Jimmy Carter. This will go to SCOTUS and she'll be B**ch Slapped.
Imagine that! A liberal democrat appointed by Peanut Carter ruling the way the liberal democrats at the ACLU wanted her to.
What a shocking surprise.
The liberals at the ACLU shopped around for this judge and got the ruling they wanted. Now they're going to get the slapping down by the appeals court that they deserve.
Meanwhile, the Bush administration just carries on with the duty of keeping us safe from Islamofacists.
I know which party I am voting for in the next election.
If this is not a signal for the some of the single issue Conservatives obsessed by the Immigration issue and others supporting Libs like Lieberman to quit it and move their support behind GOP candidates, then i dont know what else would take.
The issue is JUDGES, and it is pivotal that Republican majority Control the Senate and the House.
The judge is a Carter appointee.
I think the administration wins on appeal.
Absolutely an absurd decision, as the courts are now ruling on moot, hypothetical cases to try and impose their will on elected officials with whom they disagree.
Total abuse of judicial power.
If the ACLU had an actual victim of wiretapping, a real life terrorist who suffered real damages by having their plans twarted by this program , the judge's decision would have still been wrong, but it wouldn't have been as tyrannical.
But here , there is no aggrieved party.
Its particularly ironic that the judge refers to the president in the ruling as a would be "king", when reality is that the judge is assuming that very rule.
It's so clearly going to be overturned as soon as it gets to the Appeals Court, or the Supreme Court. I mean, it's been proved that the only calls monitored are ones where at least one of the parties is in a nation that has terrorists in it, and no call monitored has both parties IN the U.S.. And that program is what stopped the five Muslims in Miami last month that wanted to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. And the head of the program has made it clear that the program has stopped DOZENS of other attacks before they happened. And it's been mentioned several times that it played a hand in stopping the attack that was to take place from Heathrow. All that good it's done, and no ones civil rights violated, and STILL some extremist radical liberal Judge who apparently cares more about not violating rights of terrorists than protecting the general public, says the program has to stop because it's unconstitutional.
I read the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments regularly, and I've not seen any sentence in there that would remotely indicate, even vaguely, that the Government can't monitor communications between either citizen or foreign national in the U.S., and someone in a foreign country, if those communications are believed to be relating to an attack or some other hostile act to be carried out on American soil. I don't understand how people can make decisions so detrimental to their own safety and everyone elses safety, and then be pleased about making them. It's crazy. Oh well, as is usually the case, the media and the libs will hopp and hollar, and then in not too long a time, it will be overturned, and ignored, and the liberals will pretend that it wasn't over turned, or call Bush a Nazi again. They always either do one of those two things. Most Americans don't mind this program since it was made clear many months ago that it never monitors calls made and received both in the U.S.. So this is a really stupid fight for liberals to pick, just like on all other major issues, the Democrats are on the wrong side of the majority of the American people. Stupid liberals. They're going to lose this one too. :)
Un effin believable these liberal traitorous judges. Thanks Jimmah....your legacy lives on.