Pul-eeze. In traditional families children are to be seen and not heard. What all of us are starting to rage against is uncontrolled little brats whose parents think their kids are God's gift to the universe. It's the vestiges of Dr. Spock...God forbid you should interfere with you precious darlings emotional or social development by teaching them respect for the rights of others to be free from their outrageous tantrums or behavioral spectacles. Total lack of impulse control is a disease of a liberal culture. Self discipline and awareness for the needs of others is the "traditional value" that has been totally lost.
Yes, there are people who let their kids run amok. But there is also, especially on the coasts, an anti-child mood in some of the large metro areas. A woman in San Francisco wrote an article about it some time ago...she would get dirty looks because she had three kids, if I recall correctly.
But this issue of bad behavior is hardly new; it has been going on for some time. Look at the current crop of adults, who do things like casually jaywalk or even stand in the street, then glare at you for not just stopping for them.