I believe the only time they read the Bible, is when one of their aides puts one in front of them, so they can read a verse, they think they can use in a speech somewhere. The only time an aide reads the Bible is when they're looking for something to back up their position.
Ever notice how the Dems try to look so concerned for the poor, and try to use the Bible for their social engineering?
Now did you ever notice how often the Bible talks about giving to the poor, versus proper money management? What about moral issues and righteous living? Why is it they are silent on the majority of the issues the Bible talks about.
When they mention Jesus, they always talk about giving to the poor, and doing good deeds, and nice teachings. But the Bible only mentions a few of Jesus' good deeds, or giving to the poor, or nice teachings. Jesus' life wasn't about any of these things. They were a part of his life, but not the whole.
The whole was him being divine in nature, becoming man, being the needed sacrifice for the sins of the world, and giving man access to God the Father.