In the West people can dream up goals to achieve"
"In the Middle East there are no such freedoms, so the mind is constrained to being creative in cruel and destructive ways."
Well, I dont know with which lie on thread I shall start, however the creativity issue, which you have raised, is appalling.
I can assure you that people here (in the middle east) are as creative as their Homo sapiens fellows. The bunch of clowns assigned by the US administration to rule this region, are the only source of tyranny and constraint in the Middle East.
The Left Media go a long way in encouraging both Terrorists from the Middle East and "home grown",
It is clear to many that the media is the loudest and shrillest voice of terrorism. Media zealots, unable to report the truth, create news by fomenting rage among the emotionally disabled. Similarly, the Democrat party is in lockstep with Marxist/fascist fanaticism.
Leftist movement links to Al Quida and Islamofascism need only be revealed. Their intellectual and political roots have common ancestry. They were a critical component of WWII, the Cold War and Vietnam. They are as fundamentally aligned today.
There can be no wonderment that Leftist extremists in our culture belittle efforts to encounter Islamofascism. They are branches of the same root. Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Aristide, Castro, Mao, Taliban, Hussein, Khomeni and Al Quida find their roots in social democrat fascism. Marx, Engels and a host of American and European 19 century intellectuals are at the root of their evil philosophy.
Islamofasists may cynically use the cover of the Muslim faith but they are Marxist fascists through and through.
The MSM can not tell this story because it does not have the intellectual integrity or ability to do so. It is captive to its handlers, social democrats and fascists all.