From my impoverished childhood I recall playing patty cake and mother singing itsy bitsy spider and other games and songs of the imagination that only required one's voice and hands. Like "here's the church, here's the steeple, open the doors and here are all the people."
Maybe you'd better learn a dozen or more of these songs and bare hand games and the ancient art of story telling without a golden book.... just for emergencies.
My mother was coping with a daughter who needed distracting from the pain of recurring ear infections in the middle of the night, not a bored child.
When we were bored, she'd give us paper to draw on or throw us outside to explore the nature all around us and play games like hide and seek, but you definitely won't have those options on a plane at 40,000 feet.
On long drives with my husband before we could afford a CD player, I used to sing songs to him. Or we'd prattle on about some subject and get so interested we'd sometimes miss the turn.
There were the bus trips to Bible camp, and the counsellors would have us singing "Row, row, row your boat" in rounds, and "I love to go a wandering along the mountain track, and as I go I love to sing, my knapsack on my back. Valderee, valdero, valderee, valder rah ha ha ha ha, etc...." and at church there was "John Jacob Finkleheimer Schmidt, his name is my name, too. Whenever we'd go out the people'd always shout There goes John Jacob Finkleheimer Schmidt. Ta dah, ta da da da da da...."etc.
At school there were all the old patriotic songs, like America the Beautiful; This land is your land, this land is my land; etc.
And then there is the Little rabbit song done with gestures and at each resinging the one line is sung only mouthed without sound and only the gesture is used, with another line dropped at each repetition until the whole song is done in pantomine..
Little rabbit in the wood (hands flopping on head to simulate rabbit ears)
Little man by the window stood (hand over eyes simulating searching while head is turning back and forth)
Saw the rabbit hopping by (hands in fists to simulate rabbit feet hopping forward)
Then knocking at his door. (one fist knocking rythmically at imaginary door)
Help me! Help me! Help, he cried (hands both side head frantically gesturing out for help or like pulling out hair, with eyes wide open and frightened)
Afor the hunter shoots me dead (simulate machine gun straffing back and forth)
I'm just simply filled with dread. (paws under chin, head nodding back and forth with wide innocent eyed expression)
Little rabbit come inside (one hand gestures several times to come forward)
Here in safety hide. (pretend petting rabbit in your arms)
(You make the gestures of the action as outrageous and funny as possible.)
There was a world before television and gameboys and potato patch dolls, but us oldsters just recall bits and pieces.
Maybe some of us can pick up a few of the old pieces we remember.