they want American patriots for their "collateral damage"
--not dolphins, whales and tuna.
You would not believe it. Here is a sample.
I am beyond mad this morning, so I apologize in advance for bad language But I am in full-on rant mode, and I'm super pissed.
I keep hearing people on the news, being interviewed in our local airport, saying they're just glad we've been protected. Well, f*ck the brand of protection given to us by our governments. I, FOR ONE, WOULD RATHER BE COMFORTABLE ON A FLIGHT THAN "PROTECTED." Would someone please prove to me that all the ridiculous security measures we have suffered through and continue to suffer through (and whatever new security measures they'll think up in the future) have actually done anything real to protect me?
My husband's on the phone with his family in England right now. Everybody was planning on coming here soon for a big two week holiday. We were going to have a blast. Now, my sister-in-law will probably have to stay home. Why? She has a baby. And she's been told that she can only carry a limited amount of formula/milk, and only the diapers and wipes that she can carry on her person. What the f*ck? Does no one have any common sense anymore? I'm going to look for online stores where the whole family can order cargo pants, reporter's vests, etc., so they can wear them on board and stuff themselves with baby gear.
My MIL said that they're being told that this may last only a week or so. I say don't bet on it. As long as the Bush/Blair administrations are getting political leverage from it, it will stick. It will quietly stop when either poll numbers get too low, or when the airlines start raising hell because they're losing too much business because passengers have said enough's enough, we won't be treated like animals.
Well, sorry it was rambling, but thanks for letting me VENT!!!!!