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To: mainepatsfan
The moonbats of course think all these terrorist threats are just overhyped by the government to scare us. Idiots.

It's going to take one massive attack to convince the moonbats AND still they will blame the U.S. and not the true culprits. Maybe the MBs could be Darwinized out.

1,618 posted on 08/10/2006 4:12:05 AM PDT by madison10
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To: madison10

I'm sure the Lamont voters have already blamed Bush for this.

1,628 posted on 08/10/2006 4:15:01 AM PDT by mainepatsfan
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To: madison10
It's going to take one massive attack to convince the moonbats AND still they will blame the U.S. and not the true culprits.

The left is always quick to argue that it is Bush's failure to reach out with understanding and compassion to the Islamofascists that has got us into this mess. Why, under the last two Democratic presidents, who had such effective foreign policies, there was no Islamofascist threat.

Well, except for the Iran hostage crisis. And the first attempt to bring down the World Trade Center with explosives. And the 1993 conspiracy to blow up the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, the George Washington Bridge, and the New York FBI office in lower Manhattan. And the conspiracy to assassinate former President Bush during his visit to Kuwait. And the Manila plot to destroy 12 US jumbo airliners in flight. And the Khobar Towers debacle. And the bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. And the bombing of the the US embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. And the conspiracy to blow up LAX Airport. And the plot to blow up the USS Sullivans in port at Aden, Yemen. And the bombing of the USS Cole . . . .

1,715 posted on 08/10/2006 4:36:27 AM PDT by JCEccles
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