It is not true that the American Navy was formed to fight muslims. It was formed to fight the British then allowed to languish due to Democrat anti-militarism. The impetus to strengthen it came due to the seizures of American ships by the Frence and British who were fighting each other. Jefferson's followers OPPOSED this. They did NOT want a strong military. THAT is the bottom line.
Farah's article makes claims as stupid as claiming it was Bill Clinton who engaged the Islamic terrorists.
If you don't know that the "Barbary Pirates" were Muslims then you are in for a rude awakening.
"It is not true that the American Navy was formed to fight muslims."
I didn't say that. I said
"The bottom line is that the American Navy & Marine Corps were formed to fight enemies of America who were at that time Muslims. Fast forward 230 years and we are still fighting the Muslims."
Try not to misquote me in the future.