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To: kellynla

Farah does not have his history straight or is deliberately distorting the truth. Jefferson's followers in the Congress forced the Federalist administration to cut its plans for new warships in half which severely limited its ability to deal with pirates as well as the Frence and the British.

The Democrats were concerned that such a force might be used to fight their foreign allies, the Jacobins, and many were ready to fight a civil war here to prevent that.

Not only did Jefferson and his followers delay the founding of Military academies to educate officers it howled inanely about the dangers of a standing army and cut it. This ideological blindness weakened American military power and potential for the next decade. Consequently we entered the War of 1812 with little military power which allowed 5,000 British troops to burn the National Capital.

Jefferson opposed not merely a navy but American shipping carrying American goods. He wanted foreign ships to do it in a cowardly attempt to avoid problems with other countries. His idea of a navy was limited to gunboats which patrolled only our coasts. Navies produced foreign conflicts to his mind. He tried to withdraw America from trade with Europe through an embargo which brought the economy to its knees for several years resulting in massive unemployment and the collapse of our shipping industry.

Jefferson never fought a war without bending over backwards repeatedly and to paint him as militantly proposing using force against the Muslims is revisionism at its worst. He was truely the ancestor of today's Party of Treason and America's most overrated president.

21 posted on 08/08/2006 8:22:44 AM PDT by justshutupandtakeit (If you believe ANYTHING in the Treason Media you are a fool.)
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To: justshutupandtakeit

The bottom line is that the American Navy & Marine Corps were formed to fight enemies of America who were at that time Muslims. Fast forward 230 years and we are still fighting the Muslims.

The Muslims need to be deported...every swinging dick and his family!

22 posted on 08/08/2006 8:29:22 AM PDT by kellynla (Freedom of speech makes it easier to spot the idiots! Semper Fi!)
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To: justshutupandtakeit

Contrary to what the Democrats claim, Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party isn't related to the Democratic Party.

30 posted on 08/08/2006 9:01:23 AM PDT by Revenge of Sith
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