Who were the rescue workers?? Red Cross??
Also...like I posted earlier...I have seen several posts on earlier threads with rumors that when the people in south Lebanon were fleeing north last week...there was evidence that some of the Hezzies wouldn't allow them to leave...
Now...if they couldn't leave..they go to an abandoned building...the bombs are flying all around...they go to the basement or lower floor...
An Israeli bomb lands relatively close...and either the shelter is weakened by the previous bombing and collapses...OR, Hezzies come in a while after the last Israel rocket...and bombs the building with only women and children in it...wait a while...then the DISCOVER the dastardly deed that the Israelis supposedly did...
This is the same place that 10 years ago...had a similar happening, that cause the Israelis to stop fighting...
Perfect scenario for worldwide condemnation of Israel and the USA>
Txsleuth wrote:
This is the same place that 10 years ago...had a similar happening, that cause the Israelis to stop fighting...
I don't believe in coincidences either. but this one worked, partially anyway.
Hezzy gets two days to re-arm, but at the same time, if this was planned by Hezbollah to bring Iran in, or by Iran itself to create the casus belli they need to attack brother Muslim nations, shutting down the war for a couple days is probably cheaper, in blood, than a wider war with Syria and Iran involved.