NY Freepers and tri-state.
Hardball will grill Brian Williams on Lebanon at 7 tomorrow live from Rockefeller Plaza... who wants to go freeping?
U.S. Envoy Bolton: Israel Must Consider Hizbullah 'Barbarian'
21:54 Jul 30, '06 / 5 Av 5766
(IsraelNN.com) John Bolton, American Ambassador to the United Nations, said outside the Security Council meeting Sunday night that Hizbullah immorally uses civilians as shields but that Israel is forced to take into "this barbaric practice" while exercising its right to self-defense.
He spoke as most of the Council's leaders denounced Israel for the bombing of the Lebanese village of Kana and demanded an immediate cease fire.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Israel is carrying out its self-defense in a way that is "causing, death and suffering on a wholly unacceptable scale."