1 posted on
07/29/2006 10:13:09 PM PDT by
To: Defiant
I don't watch Colbert but that was funny.
2 posted on
07/29/2006 10:21:51 PM PDT by
(Doing the jobs Americans won't do? Guess you haven't seen "Dirty Jobs")
To: Defiant
Definitely hilarious
3 posted on
07/29/2006 10:33:29 PM PDT by
To: Defiant
That was great, and fwiw I don't think at all that she was getting truly angry.
6 posted on
07/29/2006 10:38:32 PM PDT by
("..I do things for political expediency.." - Sen. John McCain on FOX News)
To: Defiant
It is funny but I have to disagree and say she seemed to be playing along to me.
7 posted on
07/29/2006 10:40:05 PM PDT by
To: Defiant
Funny. "What part of France are you from? Paris?"
I think one of my favorites was Gerald Nadler when Colbert asked him if his nickname was Nads..
To: Defiant
Good stuff, thanks for sharing it.
9 posted on
07/29/2006 10:42:20 PM PDT by
(I don't even HAVE a mustache!)
To: Defiant
My God, I thought it would be amusing, but that was hilariously off the charts.
It's the funniest Colbert bit I've ever seen.
10 posted on
07/29/2006 10:42:50 PM PDT by
(Life is exquisite... of great beauty, keenly felt.)
To: Defiant
Elenor does not posses a sense of humor, Ithink he got her good.
14 posted on
07/29/2006 10:56:06 PM PDT by
Boiler Plate
(Mom always said why be difficult, when with just a little more effort you can be impossible.)
To: Defiant
She's playing along all the way.
She's pretty funny, too!
15 posted on
07/29/2006 10:58:53 PM PDT by
(Roll out the Canarble Wagon!)
To: Defiant
The discussion on U Tube is funny...what Holmes' use of "vanilla" racist. Of course it wasn't, but it is funny to see the tactic used against a minority.
17 posted on
07/29/2006 11:01:17 PM PDT by
(¿José puede usted ver?)
To: Defiant
I totally disagree that she was playing along. It is clear that she has no clue who Colbert is. The staff that were surely contacted to setup the interview may have known Colbert somewhat particuarly after the Colbert Roast at the press club gig earlier this year. But whether any of her staff may have seen the show I am sure Ms. Holmes had never seen it herself. Like a dumb lawyer that asks a question that they do not know the answer to Ms. Holmes should never have given an interview to someone from a show/organisation she knows nothing about.
Again: no way is she that good of an actor, political disingenious skills aside.
19 posted on
07/29/2006 11:19:25 PM PDT by
(Darwinists: Evolution is a theory that is proven fact.)
To: Defiant
Colbert may satire a liberal once in a while but his whole show is built around being vicious to conservatives.
21 posted on
07/29/2006 11:26:52 PM PDT by
To: Defiant
That was terrific. I think she was playing along. What else has she to do? She isn't going to vote.
22 posted on
07/29/2006 11:26:54 PM PDT by
To: Defiant
By the way, YouTube is about the coolest thing going.
To: Defiant
Very funny. I actually thought she was a good sport. Very good stuff.
26 posted on
07/30/2006 12:23:05 AM PDT by
To: Defiant
28 posted on
07/30/2006 8:03:49 AM PDT by
Dick Vomer
(liberals suck......... but it depends on what your definition of the word "suck" is.)
To: Defiant
29 posted on
07/30/2006 8:11:41 AM PDT by
(The beatings well cease when morale improves!)
To: Defiant
That's one of his best yet.
30 posted on
07/30/2006 8:25:04 AM PDT by
(I'm on FReep so often that when I read an article at another site I scroll down for the comments.)
To: jwalsh07; fieldmarshaldj; sinkspur
This one is funny, and worth a look.
31 posted on
07/30/2006 11:17:12 AM PDT by
To: Defiant
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