To: yoe
Nope, the joke is on her! Her entire south boundary borders Ted Nugent's ranch, directly behind his shooting range backstop... :-)
26 posted on
07/27/2006 10:21:46 AM PDT by
(Proudly catching hell for posting without reading the article since 2004)
To: Abathar
32 posted on
07/27/2006 10:23:29 AM PDT by
To: Abathar
Nope, the joke is on her! Her entire south boundary borders Ted Nugent's ranch, directly behind his shooting range backstop... :-) I hope you are not kidding....hysterical possibilities if true.
60 posted on
07/27/2006 10:35:55 AM PDT by
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestu s globus, inflammare animos)
To: Abathar
Nope, the joke is on her! Her entire south boundary borders Ted Nugent's ranch, directly behind his shooting range backstop... :-) Please, don't toy with us. There should be gunfire in the background of every interview, if this is true.
93 posted on
07/27/2006 11:09:51 AM PDT by
Ruth A.
(we might as well fight in the first ditch as the last)
To: Abathar
Her entire south boundary borders Ted Nugent's ranch, directly behind his shooting range backstop... :-) Man, if this is true, somebody should contact Uncle Ted, and tell him that we all want to sign up to take our vacations then, and will gladly pay (or donate to charity) to shoot day and night at his shooting range - I'm sure some lucky FReepers have some pretty loud guns - hope it won't interfere with their sleep......
97 posted on
07/27/2006 11:14:32 AM PDT by
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