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To: NormsRevenge
2 posted on
07/26/2006 5:46:01 PM PDT by
(Semper Fi ......Help the "Pendleton 8' and families --
To: NormsRevenge
Re-arranging the desk chairs again, I see.
3 posted on
07/26/2006 5:46:43 PM PDT by
(I alone, am the chosen one. Because I alone, did the choosing.)
To: NormsRevenge
More taxes, A Brave Sir Robin RUNNNNNNNNN AWAYYYYYYYYY National Security policy, National policy of fiscal appeasement of International thugs and domestic handouts, and disdain for the US Military is NOT a "New Direction" Democrats!
4 posted on
07/26/2006 5:46:58 PM PDT by
(Fire Murtha Now! Spread the word. Support Diana Irey.
To: NormsRevenge
DEMS have a plan............HATE and LIE
6 posted on
07/26/2006 5:47:48 PM PDT by
(Only stupid people would vote for McCain, Warner, Hagle, Snowe, Graham, or any RINO)
To: NormsRevenge
"A New Dereliction for America"
There... there looks right now.
7 posted on
07/26/2006 5:48:56 PM PDT by
(It is not what you do now, but what they will do later with what you've "done now" that matters.)
To: NormsRevenge
Dems are their own worst enemy....thank goodness.
8 posted on
07/26/2006 5:49:35 PM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
Pulling out the old minimum wage card again. Vote for us and we'll pay you more! Of course, we'll have to raise your taxes to pay for it but....
To: NormsRevenge
"Americans know the country is going in the wrong direction,"
When you vote for looney far left-wingers like Pelosi, the country will more than likely head right in the wrong direction.
To: NormsRevenge
Where's the mega barf alert??????
To: NormsRevenge
A new direction? What's to the left of left?!?
15 posted on
07/26/2006 5:58:36 PM PDT by
(Speak softly and wear a loud shirt.)
To: NormsRevenge
17 posted on
07/26/2006 6:01:21 PM PDT by
(Taglines for sale or rent. Good "one liners", 50 cents.)
To: NormsRevenge
the Democratic National Committee will reach out to voters through more than 800 picnics, pig roasts Wonder how that will play with their terrorist allies?
18 posted on
07/26/2006 6:04:13 PM PDT by
(USS Vincennes (CG-49) Freedom's Fortress)
To: NormsRevenge
We're going to reject the divisive politics of the last six years, and unite America behind an agenda that works for all
If them people think I will ever unite behind them, they are huger fools then I thought they were. Simply put, I will never belly up to the bar with a Flag mangling traitor. When it came time to protect the flag, the Dems said burn it.
Coward Dean already told me that he hates me. Now, why on earth would I want to vote for a party that has a leader who hates me? Forget it. It will never happen in my life time. I will never allow it. The actions of this Party for the last six years does not fall short of treason and I will never forgive it. Ever.
Their plan is
Tough times never last. Tough people do.
should never lead
And if they think I will vote for the party that kills unborn babies, they can forget about uniting me
19 posted on
07/26/2006 6:05:02 PM PDT by
do the dhue
(I hope y'all will help bail me out of jail after I dot Nancy Peloser's eyes.)
To: NormsRevenge
Here's the new direction. Goodluck America...
20 posted on
07/26/2006 6:06:36 PM PDT by
(For a terrorist bodycount in hamistan, let the smoke clear then count the ears and divide by 2.)
To: NormsRevenge
Danny Diaz, a Republican National Committee spokesman, said: "It is both ironic and amusing that Democrats believe they are making a final argument to the American people, while being incapable of deciding how much to raise taxes on working families or how quickly to retreat from Iraq."
That pretty well sums it up while still staying under the nicenice umbrella.
21 posted on
07/26/2006 6:07:27 PM PDT by
(Diplomacy doesn't work when seagulls rain on your parade. A shotgun and umbrella does.)
To: NormsRevenge
"We're going across the country to make our case," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said. "We're going to reject the divisive politics of the last six years, and unite America behind an agenda that works for all."Does this mean they're going to reject the Democrat's divisive politics? Somehow, I don't think that's what he meant. These people are power-hungry communists. They must not ever regain power. I'd like to deport them, starting with Reid and Nancy "The Zombie" Pelosi.
To: NormsRevenge
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said. "We're going to reject the divisive politics of the last six years
Err, umm, Harry....have you looked in a mirror lately?
23 posted on
07/26/2006 6:08:29 PM PDT by
(Meep Meep)
To: NormsRevenge
Frankly, I like the tone of all those articles: there is no word about whether these policies will be good or bad for people and for the country, they write only conning people in voting for Dims.
25 posted on
07/26/2006 6:10:54 PM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
Picnics and pig roasts?
Someone didnt get the memo.
That was supposed to read "sit-ins and tofu burgers"
What a shame.
26 posted on
07/26/2006 6:11:51 PM PDT by
Pukin Dog
(Sans Reproache)
To: NormsRevenge
Even if you grant that raising the minimum wage is a good thing (which it isn't), it's a proposal that only effects a few million people out over 120 million voters -- and most of those few million are poor people who are most likely democrats.
How does a proposal aimed at such a small minority of the population make it as a major campaign plank?
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