I WAS able to see your graphic in your second posting of it.
As for uplift in coastal South Carolina, I think the best thing for me to do would be to give you Helaine Markewich's e-mail address, and you can contact her directly with your question. She's probably as qualified as anyone to straighten out the matter. I'm at home now and don't have it here, but if you ping me about this during the work week, I'll pass it on to you in a PM.
BTW, taking another look at the sea level table in #220, it looks like I missed the ~70,000 year old sea level by a bit. It looks closer to ~200 - 250' lower at that time instead of the ~150' I originally guesstimated. Do you get approximately the same numbers???
I'm probably missing something. Seems lately when I sit down to look at this mystery, I'm already tired and have difficulty focusing for very long.