Now you've made me all self concious. That was not meant to be self agrandizing. Yeah, I was bragging... a bit... (but it's not bragging if it's the truth)... that's just how things happened. Again, I'm still doing now what I did then (within the confines of keeping current). If I were really smart I'd have sucked up to Jobs and Wozniak lo these many years ago.
As it was they were in the booth next to me at The First West Coast Computer Faire, way back in 1977. Woz (who I knew from computer club meetings in SF) came over to our booth and pounded on the keyboard to demonstrate to a potential customer of his how my PC had no internal buffer on the keyboard. "See? No keyboard rollover" meaning you had to let go of key #1 before you could type key #2 (he was right). I smacked his hand away and told him to get back to his booth. We laughed about it over drinks later that week as the show was wrapping up. He even offered me a job with his company, just an entry level thing. I turned him down because they didn't have benefits at the time and I knew I had my first corneal transplant coming up. The rest, as they say, is history.
#534, Well quite frankly you have bragging rights coming, and you have the drive and determination to get ahead and get things accomplished. A lot of this I am sure has to do with your Parents and how they taught and motivated you in your formative years,and gave you an ability to cope with extremely difficult health matters and crises that most people would not begin to deal with ever. You should be a Motivational Speaker in your spare time(I know what spare time?)you can make big bucks doing that, and could do wonders just talking to wayward Republicans.LOL! I hope your eyes are doing better, we really need your eyes as much as you do(not quite but you get my drift)to tell the real story, and to continue to do the Research, spread the good word,and make those Liars cry uncle, or Aunt,just as long as they surrender.