At least it's just a typo. I remember observing a couple of guys doing a cross-country from another fighter unit who had imbibed a few too many at the Minot AFB O-club. They came up with the great idea to kidnap the 5th Fighter (Spitten Kittens) detachment mascot (a bobcat) from it's cage out on the flight line. When they returned from this little project one of them was scratched all to hell and his flight suit was shredded in places. He had tried to stick the bobcat kitten inside his flight suit. I still laugh out loud when I visualize the scene.
Oh man! I spent wayyyyyy too much time in one of those Nomex bags to think it could handle a regular kitten much less a bobcat!
Minot and missiles huh! Did you remember the guy who used to get nude, put on his viking war helmet when pulling alert there? LOL!
I got down inside a hole at Warren in 76.
One of my more interesting assignments was a 2 month TDY to Brooks AFB as a medical guinea pig. Got to ride the cetrifuge. Way cool! Got plastered in the O-club prior to a ride one day - BAD MISTAKE! LOL