To: BlueJ7
Mr. Kerry should listen to Rush instead of reading what some moonbat tells him Rush said.
Rush has been steadfast in his support of Israel. One of my crazed liberal in-laws responded to an email re: President Bush, not with her usual anti-Bush rhetoric but praise for him in handling the ME crises and standing with Israel.
Democrat treatment of Lieberman will backfire on them, especially at this time. This could also mean Mrs. Bill Clinton is about to make a ME statement and he wants to be out front.
Kerry's comments remind me of: "... doth protest too much."
To: BlessedByLiberty
Rush today :
"Democrat bloggers want Israel blown off the map. They hate Israel."
As in the PM of Spain dressing up like Arafat.
176 posted on
07/21/2006 5:08:25 PM PDT by
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