I cannot believe that Fox is completely incapable of going live in this situation.
This is as big a story as it gets!
Is there a single live body in the studio in the evenings?
They just run a tape of pre-recording programs all night now these days. What a total discrace.
The impression I get is that the half-hourly newsbreaks are live... not true?
Maddening, isn't it? What do they do after 11 p.m., punch the button on the auto tape machine and turn out the lights?
This reminds me of a commercial some time ago where it shows a news program claiming to be live and then you see the video skipping and stuck in a loop. Not much different from late night cable or network news.
I can understand that they don't have staff on hand 24 hours a day to handle breaking news after midnight. What I don't understand is why they don't have an arrangement with another news channel to carry their feed when this happens--like CNN is doing with CNNi. They could use Sky News from the UK (which would work because they are in daytime now), or, better yet, an Australian channel.
I wrote them a scathing e-mail about their programming choice with this going on. I can't believe they're replaying normal lineup shows when all of this is going on.
Basically I told them if their programmers didn't feel this story was worthy of going live, they need to rehtink who they have running the network.
Don't know if it will make a difference but I felt better getting it off my chest.