Just some friendly advice. When we purchased our first home, the seller was a realtor and she thought this would go smoothly. I insisted on a survey, and our realtor plus the seller tried to talk us out of it, and they didn't want us to get an attorney.
In selling us our property, we were buying three lots, with the house situated in the middle lot, the carport and driveway in the last lot.
The selling realtor had the papers draw up that showed we were only buying two lots. At the time of closing, our surveyors weren't quite done and kept in contact with our lawyer, give him fifteen minute updates so that we could close the minute the survey was done. And the surveyors ran into a discrepancy.
There was a problem. The county records only listed the property as two lots, and this is the paperwork that the seller had based the sale upon. The records were in error and had never been amended since the fifties.
The point is, if we hadn't had a surveyor and an attorney, we would have assumed that all three lots were included. We would have bought a house without the carport or our driveway, with no access to the road. Simply put, this was fraud. The selling realtor counted upon us not paying attention.
Lesson learned. ALWAYS get a survey and a home inspection. It costs more, but it can really save in the long run. And lastly, I will NEVER trust realtors. They are just salesmen, afterall.
Take the license of the selling realtor. I sure as hell would!