I'd wager he's up 10.
Strange how that just doens't excite me in the least... It is going to take great effort on my part to even get to the polls for the first time in my American life!!!
?If the polls show them even, you can bet Arnold is up by at least 5 points."
You called it correctly.
A more recent poll shows:
Schwarzenegger is favored over his Democratic challenger, state Treasurer Phil Angelides, by 44 percent to 37 percent among state voters in the poll by the Survey and Policy Research Institute at San Jose State University. Fourteen percent of those surveyed are undecided.
There must have been something really wrong with that Zongby poll, between first reporting it as 49/41 in Arnold's favor, then 45/45, then the poll isn't mentioned at all and the Survey and Policy Research Institute poll is mentioned as the FIRST poll since the Dem primary.