As a pilot I follow the weather very closely on a daily basis and have for almost 30 years. I'd love to see a consistently accurate forecast 12 hours out.
One thing that always comes to mind when some Greenie gets all worked up about so-called "Global Warming" and says "this is the hottest day in 100 years" or "this is the hottest day on record", I always wonder, what caused the hot day 100 years ago and what about the "record" hot days before records were kept?
Enviroweenies also ignore the one source of global climate records that they always cite for so-called man made "global warming", that being Arctic ice cores. These ice cores show that the mean temperature over the last 175,000 years is around 22.5 C. The current global mean temperature is around 15.7 C. Clearly, on average, it has been much, much warmer over the past 175 centuries than it is now or is forecast to be 50-100 years from now.
I catch a radio guy from the twin cities on weekday pms. He said the key word on these global warming stories is "since"
I can never get a global warming zealot to answer the question of whether they think global cooling would be preferable.
I live in an area where the temperature can fluctuate 50-60 degreess in a matter of hours
the fact that the temperature has only changed 1 degreee in one hundred years seeems incredibly stable to me...