Sorry, the President didn't accuse anybody of being a "vigilante".
A President stating what he does want ot see and what he doesn't want to see at the border using the word"vigilante" (oh the horrors) is appropriate.
We disagree.
What a scathingly brilliant p0siti0n t0 have.
W didn't call anyb0dy a vigilante, but did ch0se t0 bring it up in the first place. He hasn't been using it since. Why is that? I'd suggest that s0me pe0ple take 0ffense at the use 0f the w0rd similarly t0 the resp0nse 0f s0me pe0ple t0 the use 0f the w0rd frequently c0nfused with "niggardly".
As an aside, I'm using a 13 yr 0ld pr0grammable keyb0ard that d0esn't want t0 be repr0gramable at the m0ment. It's attached t0 0ne 0f many c0mputers at h0me that are d0ing reas0nable w0rk studying pr0tein f0lding. Y0u sh0uld c0nsider j0ining the FR team: