And I don't enjoy talking to you but I can't just let you misrepresent the facts of this matter. The school broke the law, and charging Mr. Parker with breaking any law after that point is hypocritical and ignoring the fact that the school violated the law first, and the police ignored it, which forced Mr. Parker to take to measures he would have never have had to if the school had simply obeyed state law, which Governor Romney re-enforced with his public comments which were totally in support of Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Do you have some gay agenda you believe should be pushed on kids or something? Because you seem bent on twisting this to be Mr. Parkers fault and ignoring the fact that the school clearly and willfully violated state law and denied the parents their rights as parents of their child. Those are facts in evidence and not open to interpretation. It's black and white and very clear.
Again, you are incorrect. See the emails.
From that point forward, you can't charge Mr. Parker with a crime, without charging the school with a crime, because the school broke the law first, and any laws that Mr. Parker broke were in retaliation to the school taking away his parental rights, and breaking state law, and the police did not enforce state law, which makes them culpable also.
You fail to distinuish between criminal and civil law. Parker violated criminal laws when he refused the police request to leave and was charged with trespass. If the school violated anything, then Parker should have taken it up with the school board, and filed suit. The police did nothing wrong.
And I don't enjoy talking to you but I can't just let you misrepresent the facts of this matter.
Then don't talk to me. I don't enjoy talking to anyone who is completely consumed by emotion, and who simply wants the facts to agree with her picture. Sometimes they do not.
Do you have some gay agenda you believe should be pushed on kids or something?
Is that all you people can do? My agenda is the truth, not anything else. If that equals a gay agenda in your mind, so be it. Even if you were right, Parker had no right to violate the law when many options remained for him. He also left his kid in that school for two years now. Must not be too bad, huh?